Multi-cloud Data Security for resilient cloud environments

Stuck playing catch-up with data security, with no breathing space for projects that move the needle? It's time for a change of pace. Give your engineers clarity and accuracy - use the Cyscale Cloud Platform to turn cloud data security into a manageable routine. Keep tabs on your fast-growing cloud inventory with real-time automated data discovery and classification, compliance scans on autopilot and a fully auditable evidence trail. And that's just a taste!

Agentlessno installation, just instant value

Serverlesscloud-native with zero performance penalty

Context-awaregoes beyond list-based inventories

Comprehensiveextensive multi-cloud range & flexibility


Discover & map data repositories across multi-cloud environments

When you're growing fast, it's easy to lose track of your cloud assets. But that comes at a cost, both in terms of $$$ and compliance issues. Liquidate your data security debt with the Cyscale Cloud Platform. Bring all your entities under one roof with comprehensive asset inventory and management - as soon as you log in. Expand visibility to cover your entire cloud infrastructure, across cloud service providers. It's much easier to meet data security requirements when you know exactly where all your cloud assets are.

We support


  • AWS DynamoDB
  • AWS Aurora
  • GCP Cloud SQL
  • GCP Spanner
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Azure CosmosDB
  • Cloud-native MySQL
  • Cloud-native PostgreSQL

See all options


  • AWS S3 Bucket
  • GCP Disk
  • GCP Cloud Storage
  • GCP Cloud Filestore
  • Azure Disk
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Azure Files

See all options


  • AWS Lake Formation
  • AWS Redshift
  • GCP BigQuery
  • Azure Synapse
  • Azure Data Lake Storage
  • Snowflake (soon)
  • Databricks (soon)
  • -
  • -


  • GitHub
  • Gitlab
  • BitBucket (soon)
  • Atlassian Jira & Confluence
  • Amazon AWS Code Repository
  • Google Cloud Source
  • Microsoft Azure Repos
  • -
  • -

Prioritize security-critical data repos to avoid exposure & breaches

With all cloud assets mapped out, IT and security teams can build a clear roadmap to ensure data protection against external threats (unauthorized access, cyber threats, etc.) and internal security risks (insider threats, vulnerabilities and human error). We make it even easier to triage security tasks by automatically identifying which cloud assets hold critical data, who uses it and how. The Cyscale Cloud Platform also automates the detection of security policy violations and risky behavior that open up your cloud computing environment to the risk of data loss. Avoid losing trade secrets and intellectual property that future innovation and profitability depend on with robust data privacy security solutions.


Automate key data security tasks & keep your head above water


Visualize access, permissions & relationships between your data and other digital assets

Make your cloud assets secure and compliant based on the full context they operate in.

Our proprietary Security Knowledge Graph™ makes it easy to see who has access to individual assets and how they interact with one another. A structure of micrographs represents these complex relationships in a visual, intuitive format anyone can navigate with zero training.

No more shadow access, excessive permissions and other cybersecurity issues cross-cloud interactions create. Know who's accessing your sensitive data and what they're doing with it.

With Cyscale, you understand how to implement strong IAM (Identity and Access Management) policies to keep security threats away using access control and authentication rules.


Data Security Top 10

Cyscale is built by the authors of the OWASP Data Security Top 10 standard that helps security, IT, and compliance specialists ensure critical data is safe against unauthorized exposure, data breaches, malware, and accidental or malicious misuse.

Comprehensive, blazing-fast classification that closes security gaps

Our Cloud Platform gives you the visibility that goes deep into every layer of your cloud infrastructures.

Financial customer data

  • Credit card numbers
  • IBANs
  • Balance sheets
  • Cash flow statements

Medical information

  • Electronic health records
  • Medical insurance data
  • Clinical trials data
  • Disease registries

Intelectual property

  • Patents
  • Trademarks
  • Copyright-protected data access
  • Trade secrets

Personally Identifiable Information

  • Social Security Numbers
  • National IDs
  • Driver's license details
  • Home addresses

Manage your compliance obligations with the 500+ ready-to-use security controls and policies you can apply and monitor through automatic, ongoing checks for misconfigurations. Get alerts whenever your most valuable cloud assets drift from your initial configuration. We help you meet compliance requirements for GDPR, HIPAA, NIST, PCI-DSS, and many others.

From data encryption and key management to firewalls, whether it’s in the public cloud, multi-cloud, or hybrid cloud, we help you take the right decisions and take appropriate security measures to keep your data safe.

Do it all with zero performance degradation for your workloads

Because we use serverless technologies to categorize and inspect data repositories, we never interrupt or overload your systems. The Cyscale Cloud Platform reduces your attack surface through continuous risk assessments with zero negative impact on performance. Run an efficient data security program that covers your entire range of cloud entities. Improve your flexibility, compliance security posture and increase job satisfaction for your engineers without compromising on the benefits of cloud.

Do it all with zero performance degradation for your workloads

Discover the most flexible pricing in the cloud security industry