Announcing the Playground!

We are releasing a new feature in Cyscale, the Playground! It is an application demo that you can access in less than 1 minute. 

Currently, the Playground is populated with data from three cloud vendors: 

We also have integration with Okta, an identity provider. 

In the Playground, you will see a simulation of the infrastructure of a fintech company. However, we believe every company will find something for them there. 

You can observe the following features: 

  • controls that check for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, 
  • compliance frameworks and controls associated with them, 
  • graph-based visibility of assets, and many more! 

By providing risk scoring, Cyscale can help you prioritize remediation for assets and highlight critical vulnerabilities. 

Controls from the Playground

Below, you can find an example of 3 of the compliance standards that we support: 

Compliance standards from the Playground

See for yourself how the Cyscale application suits your needs and check out the Playground

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Cloud Security Vulnerabilities in Multi-Cloud Environments: Challenges and Best Practices
Kubernetes Security: Best Practices for SMEs
CIEM and IAM: The 2 Critical Components of Cloud Security
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Cyscale is an agentless cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) that automates the contextual analysis of cloud misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, access, and data, to provide an accurate and actionable assessment of risk.

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